Business services
Often businesses grow from an expertise in a specific product or service, in many cases that has nothing to do with day to day business administration processes or IT equipment and IT services. None of us are experts in all fields and whilst many businesses are setup and run successfully without previous experience additional help in certain areas is often needed.
We can help both new businesses or more established businesses that do not have the budget or requirement for full time staff to cover some of these areas.
If you have a new business start-up do you have all your IT equipment needs worked out? Whilst many people have some knowledge of computers and connecting to the internet, unless you have worked in an IT support environment previously it is unlikely choosing the right IT equipment will come very high on your skill set.
Do you know what your IT service needs will be, do you know the best options for your website and email? Have you already looked at options for domain names? Even many large businesses miss opportunities in the domain name or website hosting areas.
Whilst you will most likely already have a company name how this is presented on the internet will have a massive impact on your marketing and promotion success.
Does your business have a need for databases and will those need to be shared with others in an office network?
Will you have a need to share files and data between people working from home or in different offices?
How will all your important data be backed up; how would you recover from a failed hard disk, failed computer equipment or even from a virus?
In our Business support services we have the ability to assist you with setting up things like email accounts, office document templates and spread sheets. We can provide advice on the best practices for managing documents and files, once a document filing structure is set up unless it was planned in the beginning it can often get out of control and becomes unmanageable.
We can offer advice and assistance with accountancy packages, banking and Direct Debit or payroll payment software.
We have worked on procedure and process writing for major international companies and can adapt best practice from those experiences to assist your business begin its journey with a sound foundation in its IT and business support departments.
For more established businesses we can look at your disaster recovery and business continuity planning and offer solutions and guidance on best practices to prevent outages in your business.
Mill Services can also help with project management. We have experience of running and managing projects in highly demanding and challenging environments and industries worldwide. Much of this experience gives us the edge to provide a useful and competitive service to smaller businesses, regardless of the project size or complexity. It helps us ensure projects are completed on time, within budget, satisfying the requirements and managing the project sponsor’s expectations. With Prince 2 qualifications plus experience in and knowledge of several bespoke project management methodologies used by multinational companies gives us the edge to provide a structured, effective and competitive service to businesses as outsourced project management resources.
If you would like more information or to plan a review of your current business processes and IT infrastructure please contact us.